Giorgio Cesarale graduated at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, from which he also received his Ph.D. in Philosophy. He has been Wissenschaftlicher Gast at the Hegel-Archiv of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, visiting scholar at the Philosophy Department of the Boston College (USA), and visiting fellow at the London School of Economics. Currently, he is Associate Professor of Political Philosophy at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. He serves as a member of the editorial board of "Micromega" and as a corresponding editor for "Historical Materialism". His major publications include: La mediazione che sparisce. La società civile in Hegel (Carocci, Rome 2009); Hegel nella filosofia pratico-politica anglosassone dal secondo dopoguerra ai giorni nostri (Mimesis, Milan 2011); Filosofia e capitalismo. Hegel, Marx e le teorie contemporanee (Manifestolibri, Rome 2012). He edited (with Mario Pianta) Giovanni Arrighi’s Capitalismo e dis(ordine) mondiale (Manifestolibri, Rome 2010). He is now attempting to rethink critical theory in the light of the concept, derived from Hegel's philosophy, of "reflected negativity".

